Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Before delving in any further, I thought I’d write a quick post regarding how I’ve grown since starting my healing journey just over a year ago. Rather than go into all the changes in my life over the past while – which are many – I want to share with you the resources and people that have helped me grow and heal.

First off, I have to include here the wonderful workbook that I included as a regular part of my routine: the Courage to Heal Workbook. This book has helped me gain clarity, has challenged me to go forward, and has made me much more self-aware. Through the exercises in it, I have learned and grown significantly and have this book to thank for being part of what's helped me get where I am today.

Secondly, I recommend the Feeling Good Handbook. Once into the healing journey, many men experience an increase in emotional instability alongside the new perspectives and discoveries made. I was no exception. The deeper I dove, the more difficult the effort to continue forward and face my demons. Of course, this process has been totally worthwhile, but I did ask my therapist to suggest a book I could use to learn how to better control my emotions, instead of having them constantly control me. This handbook by Dr. Burns has been so practical, helpful and necessary to my growth and positive changes.

A crucial part of my healing and growth has been my support group. Every Tuesday evening I meet with a group of male sexual abuse survivors to share, support and encourage one another. It has been a significant part of my journey and I am so grateful and glad that I have these other men to share with who understand me and support me. I’ve written an article (page 10) about how valuable I feel the group has been to my life.

And finally, my support team has helped me become a better person than i was even 2 years ago. Along with my amazing partner, I requested support from a small group of friends and family in case I needed them during difficult times in the healing journey. They have been great in terms of just being there when needed, listening to my struggles and encouraging me to move ahead and grasp more of my potential. I strongly encourage you to find a support team for yourself in order to have people available in times of crisis, sadness or celebration.

As I continue down this new path of blogging and podcasting, my hope is to share more stories, experiences and ideas that will help you be better equipped and ready for the journey of healing ahead of you. Through my words and those of other survivors, I wish to help you make even small steps forward into a more rewarding, fulfilling and joy-filled life.

Cheers brother,

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